Are you Properly Classifying Your Independent Contractors?

Nonprofit organizations that rely significantly on the work of independent contractors should proceed cautiously in light of the recent DOL interpretive guidance saying "most workers" who are classified as independent contractors are actually employees under the Fair Labor Standard Act.

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Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsors often provide much-needed funding to nonprofit organizations in return for recognition and other benefits. It is important that your organization be aware of the potential tax consequences of providing benefits to the sponsor that exceed the safe harbors…

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Risks and Rewards of Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular tool in a nonprofit’s fundraising arsenal, and with good reason. Organizations can pay crowdfunding websites to showcase particular projects and events and to collect donations on their behalf. Doing so can enable even a…

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Auditing the Nonprofit Website

This article explains why a nonprofit's website should be reviewed by a lawyer and provides important advice for any nonprofit that hosts a website. Reprinted with permission of Pro Bono Partnership, Inc.

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