Employment Helpline

Exclusively offered to PBPO clients.

Exclusively offered to PBPO clients.

PBPO has partnered with Frost Brown Todd to address clients’ employment questions that can generally be handled in 30 minutes or less. PBPO clients will have the opportunity to ask an employment question and receive guidance from an employment attorney. Calls will be scheduled in advance each month, and space is limited.

If you would like a spot, email Chasity Paul at [email protected] with your employment question. 

The Employment Helpline is typically scheduled the first Thursday of the month, between 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please go to the Events page for upcoming dates.

Not a client? Check out our client qualifications and complete the Request for Legal Assistance application.

The Employment Helpline is typically scheduled the first Thursday of the month, between 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Please go to the Events page for upcoming dates.

Not a client? Check out our client qualifications and complete the Request for Pro Bono Legal Assistance application.

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