A partnership every
nonprofit needs.
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio provides free business legal services to qualifying nonprofit organizations. PBPO recruits hundreds of attorneys from corporations and law firms to donate their time and expertise on behalf of our nonprofit clients.
PBPO staff attorneys specialize in the legal issues nonprofits face in their day-to-day work. Our process is highly collaborative as we work with you to identify and prioritize the legal needs of your organization. We then pair you with one of our expert attorney volunteers to assist you with each legal matter. By doing this, PBPO allows you to focus on your mission.
Examples of our legal expertise
Direct Legal Services
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio provides free business legal services to qualifying nonprofit organizations. PBPO recruits hundreds of attorneys from corporations and law firms to donate their time and expertise on behalf of our nonprofit clients.
Nonprofit Education
In addition to free direct legal services, PBPO provides educational workshops, webinars, and publications on issues impacting nonprofits that are open and available to any individual working in or volunteering in the nonprofit community.
Direct Legal Services
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio provides free business legal services to qualifying nonprofit organizations. PBPO recruits hundreds of attorneys from corporations and law firms to donate their time and expertise on behalf of our nonprofit clients.
Nonprofit Education
In addition to free direct legal services, PBPO provides educational workshops, webinars, and publications on issues impacting nonprofits that are open and available to any individual working in or volunteering in the nonprofit community.
What are the roles, responsibilities and proper activities of the board of directors of a nonprofit organization? What are the potential liabilities of board members? Is our organization operating within the law and its own bylaws? Is our organization filing the necessary charitable registration, state and federal reports?
Are we protecting our best interests as we negotiate contracts with service providers, other nonprofits, or lessors?
Should we register our trademark? What is the difference between federal and state registration?
Are we properly addressing the legal issues that we face as landlords or leaseholders, as sellers or purchasers of property or in connection with developing, renovating or sharing a facility?
Are our personnel policies up to date? What are the ADA, FMLA, HIPAA and Title VII? Should we have an employment manual? What policies and practices should be addressed? Hiring and Firing: What are the “do’s and don’ts” of hiring and firing paid and volunteer staff?
Do we have a harassment policy that covers sexual, religious, racial and other forms of harassment? When and how do we investigate a claim of harassment? What harassment training should paid and volunteer staff receive?
Are our workers independent contractors or employees? How do we properly classify employees as exempt or non-exempt, and what are the consequences of this classification?
What is a volunteer? What laws apply (or don’t apply) to volunteers? What should our organization be doing to screen potential volunteers? When, and how, can a nonprofit organization be held liable for the negligent acts of its volunteers? Can our volunteers be sued?
What legal issues do we face in connection with our website? What are the legal implications of having links from our website to other websites? Should we have an internet use policy for employees?
When are we required to disclose, or prohibited from disclosing, confidential client information? How do we respond to subpoenas and requests for records? How do we comply with HIPAA?
What is the difference between a merger, an affiliation, and a joint venture? What are the pros and cons of various forms of collaboration?
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PRO BONO PARTNERSHIP of OHIO and the PRO BONO PARTNERSHIP of OHIO Logo are registered service marks of Pro Bono Partnership, Inc.
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