PBPO Seasoned Counselor Group makes it easy for you to apply the skills and wisdom you’ve acquired throughout your professional career to make a positive difference in our community by strengthening local nonprofits. You choose how and where you want to serve, how much time you want to give, and whether you want to share skills you have or develop new ones.
PBPO Seasoned Counselor Group was formed with the goal of supporting PBPO’s mission by connecting and engaging experienced attorney professionals who may be scaling back on their professional legal career or retired from active law practice. Members will utilize their unique skills to enhance and increase PBPO’s impact, utilize their leadership skills and provide networking opportunities.
Peggy Sullivan, GE Aviation
PBPO Seasoned Counselor Group was formed with the goal of supporting PBPO’s mission by connecting and engaging experienced attorney professionals who may be scaling back on their professional legal career or retired from active law practice.
Members will utilize their unique skills to enhance and increase PBPO’s impact, utilize their leadership skills and provide networking opportunities.
Peggy Sullivan, GE Aviation
PBPO Seasoned Counselor Group was formed with the goal of supporting PBPO’s mission by connecting and engaging experienced attorney professionals who may be scaling back on their professional legal career or retired from active law practice. The PBPO Seasoned Counselor Group members will apply the skills and wisdom acquired through their professional legal career to make a positive impact on our nonprofit clients. Members will utilize their unique skills to enhance and increase PBPO’s impact, utilize their leadership skills and provide networking opportunities.
The PBPO Seasoned Counselor Group reflects a commitment to PBPO’s vision of our community empowered and enhanced by thriving nonprofits and engaged attorney volunteers and will enhance the capacity of PBPO to achieve that commitment in the following ways:
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio will support the Seasoned Counselor Group by offering malpractice insurance, staff support for volunteer projects engaged in through PBPO, and connect to networking opportunities. Ohio CLE is also available for pro bono work through PBPO.
If interested in registering for Emeritus Pro Bono Status through the Ohio Supreme Court, PBPO will support members by providing information and documentation.
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PRO BONO PARTNERSHIP of OHIO and the PRO BONO PARTNERSHIP of OHIO Logo are registered service marks of Pro Bono Partnership, Inc.
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