Nonprofit Law 101: Foundational Basics

In order to avoid diverting precious time and resources away from their mission, nonprofit leaders and board members need to have a basic understanding of the complex web of overlapping state and federal regulations by which they are governed.

This presentation will give attendees a high-level overview of the most common legal pitfalls and questions local 501(c)(3) nonprofit clients face, briefly covering the topics of governance, compliance, employment, and intellectual property. At the conclusion of this seminar participants will come away with:

• A checklist to help your 501(c)(3) organization issue-spot potential areas of legal liability;
• A basic understanding of critical issues that will make your organization more effective and avoid preventable legal entanglements; and
• Practical tips for staying compliant with federal and state rules and regulations and avoiding costly governmental investigations or private litigation.

Speaker: Suzanne Beck, Esq., Dayton Counsel, Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio

Presented by: Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio and Miami Valley Nonprofit Collaborative

Cost: $15.00

Location: Montgomery County Business Solutions Center | 1435 Cincinnati Street, Dayton OH 45417

Registration: Please register in advance.


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