Employment policies can help clarify roles, manage performance, and reduce legal risk. Unfortunately, they can also impose extra legal obligations on your organization, create administrative burdens, and cause issues if your organization does not actually follow its policies or if everyone doesn’t understand them.
Join us for an informative webinar on employment policies to consider, the benefits and drawbacks, and more.
Speaker: Bret Vetter, Associate, Thompson Hine LLP
Cost: $10.00/session or $35 for all four sessions. Scholarship are available upon request. Contact Veronica at [email protected] for scholarship information.
Location: Online Live Webinar
Registration: Please register in advance to receive the webinar viewing link. Registration closes on Tuesday, February 14. The webinar link will be emailed to registrants the day prior to the webinar.
Presented by: Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio and Thompson Hine LLP in partnership with Business Volunteers Unlimited, The Center for Nonprofit Resources, Leadership Council for Nonprofits, Miami Valley Nonprofit Collaborative, Nonprofits LEAD, Ohio Association of Nonprofit Organizations and OneSource Center for Nonprofit Excellence.