Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Friends,
Wow! What a year it has been. We began 2020 with plans to host several in person events and programs in celebration of our 5-year anniversary. Then, COVID-19 hit our region. And many of the nonprofits we serve were forced to innovate how they deliver their critical services during a pandemic. I am proud of how our small but mighty PBPO team quickly adapted and seamlessly managed requests for assistance from these clients while also ensuring nonprofit leaders were kept informed of how the many changes to state and federal laws impacted their organizations.
But we did not do it alone. Our attorney volunteers – who were also dealing with working from home, educating their children, caring for elderly parents, and trying to keep some semblance of normality – stepped in to ensure that the nonprofit community we serve was best equipped to continue their missions and assist the neediest members of our community. Because you showed up for us, we were able provide our nonprofit clients the help they needed. Thank you.
Looking towards 2021, we do not see the legal needs of nonprofits diminishing any time soon. PBPO will continue to be there to strengthen and assist our nonprofit community – so they can focus on what they do best: meeting the needs of thousands of our friends and neighbors, creating a ripple effect of care well beyond the abilities of any one of us alone. This is where we need your help: I hope you will consider making an end-of-year donation to PBPO.
On behalf of the entire PBPO team: Thank you for being a partner in strengthening nonprofits in our community. We wish you and your family a healthy and happy holiday season.

Erin Childs, Executive Director

PBPO Supporter Focus: L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation
PBPO is grateful for the generous support of the L&L Nippert Charitable Foundation, which helped…